College & University Student Capstone and Senior Research Projects: NSWCCD seeks proposals
for Capstone projects involving significant undergraduate research. These Capstone projects should be
team-based and be able to demonstrate progress on preparing the students for future employment
opportunities in Naval-technology related STEM fields. The expectation is that the awardees would work
closely with the appropriate technical experts at NSWCCD. Areas of specific interest include, but are
not limited to, machine learning and artificial intelligence as it relates to Naval platforms and related
technologies, early-stage ship design and optimization, unmanned systems and autonomy, ship motion
control and dynamics, naval architecture and hydrodynamics, ship signature management technology,
advanced manufacturing, advanced metallic and composite materials for naval platforms, research to
improve sustainment of naval platforms (e.g. corrosion control and structural health monitoring),
modeling & simulation tools, and real-time ocean environmental modeling, Other technology areas will
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. More specific details of various areas of interest can be found at the
Doing Business with Carderock website under the Partnering with Carderock tab. The primary goal of these projects is to
develop student interests in naval engineering with an eye toward future employment.